Two footage versions:
a. Doctor with stethoscope suitable for medicine cure drugs & health treatment clinics
b. Doctor without stethoscope for cosmetic products or beauty institutes and cosmetology services
4k UltraHD (3840×2160) & FullHD (1920×1080) compositions ready to render!
Reflections over doctor and lights in the background can be switched on/off
Durations: Doctor with stethoscope 0:18’’ – Doctor without stethoscope: 0:14’’ seconds. Keep as much as you need!
Software needed to open & customize video: Adobe After Effects from CS5 up to newer CC. No plug-ins required (You can even render with the trial version of After Effects!)
Video tutorial with voice and short written documentation are included
Sound effects are included!
Awesome music used in the preview videos is not included. Track used: Ambient Electro by djjeep