Download AFTER AFFECTS PROJECT: https://1.envato.market/r6yq3
A unique concept After Effects animation project to promote your green eco & alternative energy systems & products or clean power services. The project features photovoltaic solar panel cells, renewable wind turbines power & windmills, electric car charging points & recycling spots, bio-climatic architecture & sustainable hi-tech city buildings, hi speed trains (as alternative solution to planet polluting air-flights & resulting CO2 emissions), in an urban, natural and eco-friendly environment where human people and animals gets a relaxing green life living!
- Select your background colors to match with your logo
- Wind generators ON / OFF choice, for services not containing aeolic power
- Worldmap can be replaced with your own shape
- After Effects CS6 and all newer CC versions compatible
- Universalized expressions (works with all AE languages). No extra plugins required.
- Video Tutorial (help instructions) included - Project resolution versions in: • Ultra HD 4K 3840×2160 & FullHD 1080
- Sound effects are included
- Music is not included. Purchase track: Ambient Inspiring Commercial Logo Ident (22’’ version)
Download AFTER AFFECTS PROJECT: https://1.envato.market/r6yq3