Raise awareness of your purpose and oppose or unite for a common cause of concern, a political change or an activism. A modern human crowd is gathered to mass protest holding a bid sign board and placards forming a community demonstration or a social movement. Influence opinions and rally under the banner in a positive and inspiring way. A concept against cancer, aids, sex discrimination and social issues, bullying, climate change and pollution, an act for renewable energy or your own favorite cause!
* Option: Mixed genders or females only (Women)
* Option to colorize all skins - hairs and cloths
* Option to have a woman dressed with muslim scarf
* Option for keeping only the main placard or add an extra one (choice of horizontal or squared)
* Option to colorize all placards and background shapes to your needs (eg: brand colors)
* Option for the Texts at start ON or OFF
* Option for rendering the colored backgrounds (all or some) or keep it completely simple
* Option to add one or duo colored ribbon in any of the placards (customizable colors)
* Option to add your logo or shapes in any of the placards
* Option to switch the city, the windmills, the recycling bin and the solar panel ON or OFF
* 4k UltraHD, FullHD & HD resolutions ready to render
* Sound effects are included
* Musics are not included. Tracks used:
* Universalized expressions compatible with all AE languages. No extra plugins needed.
* Compatible software: After Effects CS6 and all newer CC versions