Ultra Modern Art & Motion Design Logo – After Effects project
Download AE project link: https://1.envato.market/JxjR2
Contemporary fine Art has it’s forms, techniques & trends in Motion Designing too! This is a Logo revealer AE concept project for animation and graphic design workshops or creative studios, illustrators and modern digital Art designers!
Also suitable for any kind of ultra-modern creative artwork products or services, and as an opener to a broadcast modern art tv-show!
- Add a Logo or a Title!
- Horizontal and Vertical resolutions available (4k and FullHD)
- Select your colors to match your own brand
- Illustration Pen tool ON/OFF (at start)
- After Effects CS6 & all newer CC versions compatible. No extra plugins needed. - Universalized expressions (works with all AE language versions)
- Sound FX are included! Musics are not. Tracks: Hip Hop Intro Logo 0:13’‘ & Dubstep Logo Intro 0:13’‘
Download AE project link: https://1.envato.market/JxjR2